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Tecor wishes customers and suppliers a Happy and Prosperous 2023

TECOR is a company specialized in the preparation and anti-corrosion protection of surfaces and is the associated of "AIN - Naval Industries Association", Nr. 196. 

Its foundation occurred as a result of the "spin-off" of the surface treatment activity, within the scope of restructuring program of "Lisnave - Estaleiros Navais de Lisboa, S.A.", where the original technical staff comes from.

TECOR started up business in January 1995, at the Rocha, Margueira and Mitrena shipyards of "Lisnave - Estaleiros Navais de Lisboa, S.A".

Subsequently and following the Restructuring Protocol of the Naval Industry in April 1997, TECOR started to concentrate its naval activity at the Mitrena shipyard for "Lisnave - Estaleiros Navais, S.A".

TECOR is one of the affiliated companies within the “Navivessel - Estudos e Projetos Navais, S.A” holding.

TECOR core business it's the provide of surface preparation and treatment services, in the naval industry and Industry in general, using blasting techniques with dry abrasive and with High and Ultra High Pressure water, the last one in the case of robotized hydrodemolition.

(update on 7/01/2021)

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