Home \ Services \ Hidrodemolition

Tecor has state of the art technology in the field of concrete demolition, with robotic equipment using high pressure water.


The main advantages of this technology are :


•  Selective removal of the degraded concrete;


•  Causes no structural damage;


•  Total absence of vibrations and dust;


•  A significant reduction in noise levels;


•  Does not create cracks in the concrete (micro or macro);


•  Does not damage the steel mesh;


•  Completely cleans the steel mesh (equivalent to blasting);


•  The remaining surface has greater adhesion features for the new concrete;


•  Does not interfere with neighbouring works.


Applications :


Various concrete structures, in particular, horizontal, vertical or roof surfaces, on docks, decks, tanks, gateways and piers, dams, tunnels, water canals, bridges, quays, among others.

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