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The History



2016QMS transition to new ISO 9001:2015 edition.
New investment: Hydraulic platform
2009QMS transition to new ISO 9001:2008 edition.
Investment in new Compressed Air Equipment - 2st stage.
2008Outsorcing and sart up of Robotic UHP Waterjetting
Implementation of Performance Evaluation for Project Managers.
Investment in new Compressed Air Equipment - 1st stage.
2007New commercial strategy on manual Hydroblasting sales.
Implementation of "Management tools" within MAC application.
2006Investment in Handling Equipment.
2005Improvement and recovery of Painting Equipment.


Outset of the Environmental Management System (EMS) project.

New investments: Hydraulic platforms; HP machinery 750Kg / cm2 with 6 nozzles each.
Copper Slag furnaces hibernation. Alternative use of calibrated dry copper slag.
Development of the Suppliers Performance evaluation in the “MAC” and “ShipGest” computer applications.  

2003QMS (Quality Management System) certification renewal according to ISO 9001:2000 standard

Project “M2000” - Trial period with two magnetic UHP Waterjetting robots.


Project pilot of robotics systems in vessels surfaces preparation.

PACONOR Project - “Corrosion-protection optimisation”. ( In partnership with INETI - National Institute of Engineering and Industrial Technology )
A specialised team for “tankcoating” was created. 


Approval as Petrogal supplier.


Investment programme for the renewal of HP, UHP, Painting, Transport and Vacuum equipments.


Construction license achievement issued by INCI - Institute of Construction and Real Estate.

Creation of the company Purchasing sector.
QMS certification according to ISO 9002:1995 standard. 

1996 Ultra Hight Pressure (UHP) equipment and Hull Access Investments.
Quality Management Systems (QMS) implementation project.

TECOR start up in business.


Drafting of the terms for hiring of permanent staff and of the Service rendering contract with Lisnave.

1993November – TECOR's certificate of incorporation


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